Thursday, November 1, 2012

Vitamin D Day

I was doing research about Vitamin D to find something to write about this week, and guess what I learned? November 2nd is “World Vitamin D Day” and November is “Vitamin D Awareness Month.” (The thing Google will find never ceases to amaze me) HOW PERFECT! The whole reason I started this blog was to share what I learned in my quest to raise my Vitamin D to a healthy level, and how tanning was the path I chose to make that happen. So you may ask what exactly does Vitamin D do? Well, there are plenty of studies a person can find with a simple Google Search. One thing I found particularly interesting was this graphic. this is just pointing out some of the research that has been done. I have found numerous articles with other claims of the benefits. Just yesterday this article talks about one of the dangers of a low Vitamin D level.,0,1751973.story. So I think it is safe to say Vitamin D deficiency is something that should be avoided. So imagine my dismay that there is one study I found last week, that is getting circulation in the press trying to convince the public that it may not be necessary to get as much Vitamin D as originally thought.
It boggles my mind that there would be a suggestion that people generally get a sufficient amount. If that were true we wouldn't see an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency. It is confusing and misleading to the public. Especially going into winter months where it is more difficult to get sufficient Vitamin D naturally from sunshine. I know this blog post seems to have “link overload” I just want my point to be that there is science behind a lot of the information about getting a Vitamin D level to a target range of at least 40-60 ng/ml. One more link about Vitamin D winter and how difficult it is to get to that target range during this time of the year in North America. Please check these out and educate yourself about this very important information.

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